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Chairman's letter

Note from the Chairman - 2023

Welcome to our 2022-23 edition of our AYSS handbook!


It has been both an honour and pleasure for me to serve as chairman for the last year and vice-chairman for the two previous years of such a prestigious association as AYSS. In spite of the global crises that have affected us over the last three years, it is wonderful to see that our members, association, and industry remain strong in almost all most corners of the world. This is reflected by the fact that our membership has kept growing during 2022, with new potential members in the pipeline!


Over two years of a global pandemic has taught us new ways of doing business, but has also shown the superyacht community the value and importance of local knowledge when navigating new and ever-changing regulations from country to country. Collaboration with and relying on agents has become more important than before and this evolution also has given us strength as an association.


As the world returns to normal, we have adopted new ways of doing business, increasing our digital communications and presence in social media, but without forgetting the tremendous value of face-to-face meetings and networking. Therefore, we have started again to participate in more live events, with the 2022 Monaco Yacht Show being our first show where members from around the globe will be able to attend without any restrictions. We intend to participate in more boat shows as an association each year, carefully selecting locations and evaluating how we are represented at each show to guarantee maximum exposure from our investment. We are looking to spread the awareness of AYSS with Captains, Crew or Management and Charter Agents more than ever before!


We are looking at increasing our participation in smaller regional events, so we always welcome suggestions from all of our members for events that will benefit them and their region.


During this past year and moving forward we intend to keep continuing to improve as an organisation, trying to offer more direct and indirect benefits to our members, increase our social media presence and constantly improve our website.


Please keep an eye on our updated website where more information is available. Social Media is only as effective as the news it broadcasts; so we encourage you to help us and help yourselves by sending us material to create informative posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.


For further benefits of being an AYSS member, we also remain proudly partnered with ACREW in 2022-23. Amongst other benefits, the membership provides AYSS members with access to make a presentation at any of their crew events either in Europe or the Caribbean.


Lastly but not least we have also changed the conditions for global yacht support service companies to become AYSS Associate Members, which through growing membership will allow us to receive more funds to participate in more events, which will benefit all of our members. We encourage you to contact trustworthy companies that work with you or use your services that you think could be valuable Associate Members.


Last but not least I would like to thank Bex for keeping our books balanced and our online presence current, thank Christiana for her tireless hard work keeping us all organized an in line, thank Andy for his support and advice as vice-chairman, Adam for his guidance. Thanks also to the whole council for taking the time and making the effort to participate in each and all of our council meetings and always injecting new energy and fresh ideas, as well as helping us analyze things from different perspectives.


It has been very gratifying to have served on the Council, as vice-chairman and chairman. The experience has helped me realize that although we all come from different countries, different cultures, and different backgrounds, we all share the passion to work with our clients with professionalism and integrity, showing that AYSS is an association of global excellence through unbeatable local knowledge.


For this coming new period, I wish you all the absolute best and please always remember to promote you fellow AYSS members, the association will continue growing and being successful if all of our members can individually do the same.


Kindest Regards to you all,



Carlos A. Miquel


AYSS Chairman | Cuba Luxury Expeditions | Superyacht Destinations

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